Friday, April 1, 2011

Vincent van Gogh 'Starry Night'

Extra Credit: What feelings do you get from this painting? State 3 elements from the art work that that support your feelings.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Radial Names Project

Students are studying radial symmetry, which is a form of symmetry, arranged equally in all directions from a central point. An example of radial symmetry is a starfish.  The Radial Names Project is created by folding a piece of paper into a triangle and creating a name design. Students refold and trace their design 7 more times so the paper is filled and the lines all connect, and by using a consistent color schemes, radial symmetry is achieved. CAN YOU SEE THE NAME IN EACH ARTWORK?

Sign of the Times Project

Students use American Sign Language to create an art project. They 1) choose a word, name, or abbreviation and 2) draw the hand positions that correspond to each letter, then 3) add a background design. DO YOU RECOGNIZE ANY OF THE SIGNS?