Monday, March 28, 2011

Radial Names Project

Students are studying radial symmetry, which is a form of symmetry, arranged equally in all directions from a central point. An example of radial symmetry is a starfish.  The Radial Names Project is created by folding a piece of paper into a triangle and creating a name design. Students refold and trace their design 7 more times so the paper is filled and the lines all connect, and by using a consistent color schemes, radial symmetry is achieved. CAN YOU SEE THE NAME IN EACH ARTWORK?


  1. Wow the art is amazing! At first glance I didn't notice the names, but after a closer look it was clear. These activites are so much fun and can also be related to Math! Radial symmetry,who says math and art don't mix?!

  2. :) did this at my school
